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New World: Aeternum
New World: Aeternum 97happy 57 Views • 6 months ago

⁣Rebranded as New World: Aeternum, this iteration will finally let console players to get their hands on the hit MMO.....

Silent Hill 2 Remake - New TGS 44 Mintues of GAMEPLAY Demo | Ultra Graphics
Silent Hill 2 Remake - New TGS 44 Mintues of GAMEPLAY Demo | Ultra Graphics 97happy 48 Views • 6 months ago

⁣Silent Hill 2 is an upcoming survival horror video game developed by Bloober Team and published by Konami. It is a remake of the 2001 game of the same name, originally developed by Team Silent, a group in Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (KCET). It will be the first major installment in the Silent Hill series since Silent Hill: Downpour (2012). Like the original game, it follows James Sunderland (Luke Roberts), a widower who returns to the eponymous town of Silent Hill upon receiving a letter from his deceased wife Mary, who claims to be waiting there for him.The game is set to be released on October 8th, 2024 for the PlayStation 5 and Windows.....

Wayfinder: Echoes First Look - This Is The BEST Experience So Far.
Wayfinder: Echoes First Look - This Is The BEST Experience So Far. 97happy 71 Views • 6 months ago

⁣Wayfinders changing from MMO to Coop - Single player looter with borderlands styled loot and endgame Mythic boss hunts Is not I was expecting when I first started covering this game but it's evolved into a really fun experience.

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