Crazy In-Game Achievements You’ll Never Believe Exist

In the world of gaming, achievements are a badge of honor for players, rewarding their skills, persistence, and sometimes sheer luck.

12/05/24  •  125 Views

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Crazy In-Game Achievements You’ll Never Believe Exist

In the world of gaming, achievements are a badge of honor for players, rewarding their skills, persistence, and sometimes sheer luck. Most achievements involve completing missions, beating high scores, or exploring hidden areas. However, some achievements are so bizarre, outrageous, or downright impossible that they leave players in awe. Here’s a look at some of the craziest in-game achievements you’ll never believe exist.

1. "The Bladder of Steel Award" – Rock Band 2
This is not only a test of your musical skills but also of your physical endurance. You must play through the entire 84-song setlist of the game without pause or failing any song. No bathroom breaks, no resting your hands, and absolutely no interruptions. It's a test of willpower as much as it is a musical marathon.

2. "Goat Queen" – Goat Simulator
In this regard, the "Goat Queen" achievement in Goat Simulator takes the prize for sheer absurdity. To gain this achievement you have to climb a tower, enter a throne room, and proclaim yourself the ruler of all goats. The gist of this entire achievement sets perfectly within the chaotic hallmark of the game.

3. "Seriously 3.0" - Gears of War 3
Grinding for achievements is a staple in gaming, but "Seriously 3.0" pushes even the most dedicated players to their limits. To unlock this, you must reach the highest multiplayer rank and earn all Onyx medals in the game. It requires hundreds—if not thousands—of hours of gameplay, making it one of the most grueling achievements in gaming history.

4. "Yes, I Am the Real Garry!" – Garry's Mod
A nod to the game's creator, Garry's Mod offers an achievement titled "Yes, I Am the Real Garry!" In order to obtain it, one has to play with the game's creator, Garry Newman, within the game. But then again, Garry does not often play the game himself; this achievement is therefore rare in addition to being unique.

5. "Messiah" – The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
This achievement demands that you complete the whole game without even one damage hit. In a game that is noticed for its brutality and randomness of enemy patterns, it would be a challenge awarded to few players who are strongest and most patient.

6. "My Kung Fu Is Stronger" – Mortal Kombat (2011)
This achievement is an exercise in dedication and borderline insanity. To unlock "My Kung Fu Is Stronger," you must accumulate 24 hours of playtime with every character, perform 100 fatalities, land 150 X-ray moves, and spill 10,000 pints of blood for each fighter. With a roster of 28 characters, this is a monumental grind.

7. "Master of Disguise" – Team Fortress 2
In Team Fortress 2, the "Master of Disguise" achievement requires players to backstab the same enemy player 10 times in a single life while disguised as them. Given the game's fast pace and the low chance of survival that long, this achievement is laughably hard to accomplish.

8. "The Real Deal" – Left 4 Dead 2
Zombie games are already crazy, but in Left 4 Dead 2, "The Real Deal" achievement pushes the game's difficulty up to a high level. It requires finishing a campaign in the most difficult mode: Expert. The "Realism" mode is on, which strips away useful options such as bright items and a player outline that makes the mission nearly impossible.

9. "I Am Death Incarnate!" – Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
For those who need a little challenge, Wolfenstein II has the brutal "I Am Death Incarnate!" achievement; you have to finish the whole game on the hardest difficulty without dying. Well, one mistake, and there you go: back from the beginning. Only some of the toughest gamers have come out victorious on this test of skill and patience.

10. "Darwin Award" - Surgeon Simulator
In a game where precision is paramount, Surgeon Simulator offers the "Darwin Award" for total failure. To access it, you must manage to kill the patient in under 15 seconds. It's dark humor applied to the generally chaotic gameplay that characterizes much of this title.

11. "Stanley Parable Speed Run" – The Stanley Parable
Known for its meta-humor, The Stanley Parable has an achievement for completing the game in under four minutes and 22 seconds. This would be manageable if the game weren't designed to throw surreal, unexpected roadblocks in your path. It's a test of both quick thinking and mastery of the game's quirks.

12. "Perfectionist" – Hitman Series
In Hitman games, the "Perfectionist" achievement is done by completing levels without leaving a trace. No missed shots, no spotted bodies, and no alarms. It's a masterclass in stealth gameplay, demanding players achieve the pinnacle of precision and planning.

Why Do Players Chase These Achievements?

Achievements provide more than just bragging rights; they are about perseverance, creativity, and pushing boundaries. For many players, the only way to get noticed in the gaming community is by earning a near-impossible achievement. The satisfaction of overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds makes the effort worthwhile.


From ridiculous tasks to mind-boggling challenges, these crazy in-game achievements show the creativity of game developers and the dedication of players. Whether they are tests of skill, patience, or pure luck, these achievements remind us why gaming continues to captivate and inspire millions around the world.



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